2016-2017 Adult Recreation Classes
Starting September 8, 2016
Our Recreational Chinese Martial Arts Classes (Wushu) for Adults (ages 18+) are as follows:
Adult External Style – Geared for adults, this class concentrates on introducing three popular external style martial arts: Nan Quan, Chang Quan and Shaolin Quan. Basic footwork, handwork, forms, structure, combinations of moves, etc., are emphasized.
- Saturdays 9am
Taiji Foundations – Learn the essentials of Taiji, the most popular and widely practiced style of Chinese internal martial arts disciplines, and, with practice, offers many health benefits such as improved balance, relaxation, body & breath awareness; it is meditation in motion. This class will focus on body posture and body position, footwork, hand forms, and breath. No experience required. Wear comfortable clothing. Please wear comfortable shoes such as light-weight tennis shoes.
- Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm, Saturdays 10 – 11am
For the Taiji enthusiast who wants to learn weapons, try the 30 minute Taiji Fan Taolu (form) class! The 54 movement taolu includes different styles of Taiji as well as Bagua. Fans are available for purchase if you need one.
- Taiji Fan Taolu Mondays 3:30pm – 4pm
Taiji Straight Sword (Jian) classes are also available. Please call PNMAA ahead of time to make arrangements for class.
Self Defense Basics – This is an introduction to basic self defense skills based on Chinese martial arts including proper punching, kicking and striking methods, general body conditioning, and soft tissue targets. No experience required. Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes.
- Call to schedule classes
Train Muay Thai with Gabi Maxwell, ring-tested and certified by the World Thai Boxing Association! Classes are open to teens & adults. Classes are 60 minutes each and you can do one or two days per week.
- Muay Thai Wednesdays 6:15 – 7:15pm
- Muay Thai Saturdays 11:15am – 12:15pm
Enhance any exercise program with this flexibility and strength conditioning class taught by Stephanie Shea, a gymnast for 20+ years as well as a gymnastics/tumbling/acro coach for 10+ years!
- Flexibility/Conditioning (ages 12+) — Available upon request