External-Style Wushu/Kung Fu Belt Curriculum
May 19, 2016
Mission Statement
To provide PNMAA students with pure Chinese Martial Arts instruction in traditional and modern Wushu following the International Wushu Federation guidelines (IWUF) with an infusion of gymnastics instruction in a fun, friendly, family-oriented environment that also emphasizes teamwork, trust, discipline, and increasing self-esteem through learning, fitness, conditioning and goal setting. This is where your journey begins!
Students at PNMAA will be provided with Chinese martial arts education infused with gymnastics tumbling instruction while instilling values associated with wholesome martial arts athletes including, but not limited, to: integrity, honesty, loyalty, discipline, dedication, respect, focus, a strong sense of community, high self-esteem, and responsibility.
Students will be held to the following 7 Martial Virtues:
- Prevent Violence
- Restrict War
- Preserve the Stability of Society
- Ensure Fairness and Security
- Bring Peace to the People
- Encourage Harmony Among the People
- Enhance Society
Students will progress through each of the three main groups, and their respective levels, achieving the goals as outlined below in order to progress to the next group/level.
- Group #1 (Chuji 初级 (Beginner))
- Group #2 (Zhongji 中级 (Middle Level)) – Much like a video game, these levels will be “unlocked” when the student is ready to progress.
- Group #3 (Zhuanye 专业 (Professional)) – The most advanced group!
In addition to each of the skills and taolu (forms or sets) described below, the student must also complete a community-based “giving back” project (such as but not limited to: organizing a food or clothing drive; picking up litter at a public location; donations of food, toys or treats to local animal shelters; volunteering at a preschool/school/senior center; etc.). This is your chance to be creative and get involved in our community!
In the last group (Group #3 Professional), students are expected to begin the process of sharing knowledge with beginning students and will work into leadership roles in terms of assisting PNMAA Coach(es) with teaching students in the first two groups in addition to their new skills and weapons that they will be learning.
Belt testing will be at designated times throughout the year. More information will be provided when the first best testing approaches.
Abbreviations used throughout the External Style Wushu Curriculum
Wushu Styles
NQ Nan Quan (Southern First)
CQ Chang Quan (Long Fist)
Wushu Weapons
DS Dao Shu (Broadsword)
GS Gun Shu (Staff)
JS Jian Shu (Straight sword)
ND Nan Dao (Southern Saber)
NG Nan Gun (Southern Staff)
QS Qiang Shu (Spear)
GROUP #1 (Chuji 初级 (Beginner))
All students must start in this group, regardless of any previous martial arts experience, in order to get an understanding of wushu basics as taught at PNMAA which includes proper stances, hand techniques, combinations of skills and their proper execution. Students will begin to develop strength, flexibility, balance, and agility in addition to learning basic gymnastics fundamentals that will help them in more advanced groups and levels. Students will also be taught appropriate applications so they may have a better understanding of the martial arts they are learning.
This group takes approximately 1 year to complete, based on a 3 class per week schedule. Within this group there are 3 levels (white, yellow & green belts) with specific skill set requirements that must be successfully passed in order to move up to the next level.
Level 1 Requirements (2 months) — White Belt
Wushu Requirements
- Basic Hand Techniques: Punch, vertical punch, palm strike, hook strike, flash palm (2 styles)
- Basic Stances and stance transitions: mabu (horse), gongbu (bow), xubu (empty), pubu (drop), tixi (high), xiebu (cross), dingbu
- Basic Kicks: Zheng Ti Tui (front stretch kick), Li He Tui (inside crescent kick), Wai Bai Tui (outside crescent kick), Ce Ti Tui (side stretch kick), Dan Tui (front toe snap kick) Deng Tui (front heel snap kick), Cross front slap kick
- 5 Basic Combinations:
- (1) “Drill #2” – MB palm strikes;
- (2) “Drill #4” – MB block, GB punch, kick/punch, MB punch;
- (3) “Kick Combo” – Left & Right Zheng Ti Tui, jump front kick, xiebu punch;
- (4) “Hammer Strike Combo” – Ding bu, single hammer strike, block, GB punch left, MB punch left, MB palm strike right to block with left hand, right hand punch to the left 45;
- (5) “Drill #5” – GB punch, kick punch, MB punch, pierce/PB to opposite side GB punch (repeat opposite side)
- Wu Bu Quan (5 Stance Form)
Flexibility Requirements
- Touch toes from a standing position
- Touch toes from a sitting pike position
- Touch ankles or toes in a sitting straddle position
Strength Requirements
- Wall Sit: 1 minute
- Ma Bu: 30 seconds
- Push Ups: 20 non-stop (good form)
- V-Ups: 20 nonstop
“Giving Back” Project
- 5 hours / month
To discover more about our curriculum, sign up for classes!